"One Thought Away from Doomsday?" The Advent of Savior ang Chi-Ai: Unveiling the New World 

一念之間_big - 複製2.jpghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0nUDRC2pzQ


Which one would you choose?  
Dsetoryed in World War Ⅲ  
towards destruction  
or "entering The Golden Millennium"

   The book by The Savior Wang, Chi-Ai "One Thought Away from Doomsday?"
一念之間,再回世界末日? One Thought Away from Doomsday?
救世主王慈愛 The Savior Wang Chi-Ai
   Publication Date: 2023.3 In a single thought, return to the end of the world ?

  The Book by the Savior:Wang, Chi-Ai In a thatched hut, before a square table, sits a person who knows the world beyond this world. Silently, they observe the state of the world, reading the pulse of the universe. The ancient pharmacist and the new divine power gradually proclaim the true state of the cosmos. The Buddha of Infinite Light has already appeared in this world; we must cherish this rare opportunity. The divine power has already transcended the final calamity and completed the transition to a new era in 2018, while the Earth, after the fourth civilization ended in 2012, entered into the fifth civilization in 2013. According to the historical records of the Earth, the end of each civilization has resulted in the extinction of all living beings on its surface. With the assistance of the Earth God, we completed the merit of Maitreya Pure Land on January 3, 2013, temporarily preserving the Earth. In the past decade, many "great events" have occurred on Earth and even in the universe that are unknown to humans, such as: The "Dharmakaya and Sambhogakaya system" has been abolished throughout the universe (the three great heavens, the first, second, and third universes). The old universe has been abolished, and the "New Eternal Universe" has been established, with a new divine power in charge. One-third of the planets in the entire universe have exploded.

The Earth is still oscillating between the "End Times" and the "Golden Millennium".


New Earth Humanistic Workshop (愛的下永恆 新地球人文主義工房
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    愛的下永恆 New Earth Humanistic Workshop (新地球人文主義工房)

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